Chevy Camaro Forum

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evilcamaro 04-25-2013 12:22 AM

new kid here
Hey in Evilcamaro just found this site wanted to share what i have done to my Camaro and get you opion on what i should do to it later

evilcamaro 04-25-2013 12:24 AM

evilcamaro 04-26-2013 05:17 PM

just added twin turbos to my car i went from 425hp to 625rwhp the car is an animal i could not be happier with that i got here is a picture of what the engine bay looks like ill get a picture with the engine cover soon they are putting plates that say Twin turbo on the side to go over where it would same camaro

theholycow 06-05-2013 11:41 AM

Man, that car must be insane.

Shaggy 06-05-2013 07:06 PM

Wow! It has to be insane to have that much in it. :)

DietCola 05-08-2017 03:40 AM

Cool and insane drivability.

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