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Old 01-10-2014, 04:12 AM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Age: 40
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Part 2

Now its time to move on to the motor and transmission. You will want to start by first draining all fluids such as coolant and oil. I recommend replacing the coolant at this time to. Next disconnected the battery and remove it from the car. You will need to pull the radiator and air cleaner. Disconnect all wires from the engine you will have a few wires that run from the body but most will be at a man junction by the pcm you will need to disconnect a few wires on the passenger side of the car that run into the interior just remove the kick panel to do so. and all hoses. You will now need to remove the shifter cable from the transmission (you will need to remove the drive shaft and trq arm if you reinstalled it after you put the rear in). Remove the remainder of the exhaust system if you haven't all ready. Unbolt the steering shaft. if you have a 3.4 you do not need to remove your A/C pump you can reuse this so just unbolt it and move it off to the side.

now you will need an engine crane to remove the engine. you will use it to lift the body off the car. You will need to furniture dollies which you can buy from harbor freight and custom made stands to make your jack stands higher. You will start by putting the back end up on ramps. unbolt the transmission cross member. remove your front tires and lower the car onto the furniture dollies. You will now disconnect the brake lines and unbolt the kmember there are 6 bolts 3 on each side. you will need to unbolt your struts from the car 4 bolts on each side of the car. now slowly lift the body off the kmember and remember to watch to make sure you have disconnected ever thing and that nothing is getting hung up.

after you have removed the motor you will need to start to prep the car for the v8 engine. You will need to change the hoses for the heater core it is a good idea to flush your heater core at this point to. Install your v8 forward fuel lines at this time as well. You will aslo need to install your v8 throttle cable.You will now need to change the engine body wiring harness. this harness raps around the passenger side of the car and all the way around the nose and back into the driver side. you will need to remove the interior of the car to unhook the old harness and to hook the new one up. this is a good time to install your gauge cluster as well. You will start buy removing you a pillar plastics. then remove the dash pad and then you can remove the plastic bezel around the gauge cluster and you can remove the v6 cluster and install your new v8 cluster. you will need to remove the plastic piece under you steering column and disconnected all the plugs to the old engine bay wiring harness and hook up the new harness. the remembered your dash. one plug will aslo run under the windshield wiper plastics so you will need to remove them to get to that as well. you will also need to change the v6 springs out for the v8 springs.
now that you have changes out every thing and your v8 is mated to its kemember its time to bolt it back in. Reverse the steps you took to remove it. remember to install your v8 tranny cross member and as well as the the v8 radiator and fans. after the car is all back together bleed the brakes. then fill all your fluids and reinstall the your battery and fire her up. for the first few days keep a close eye on all your guages to make sure your car is operating properly.

NOTE: You will need to get a wheel alignment and you may also need to recharge your A/C system this will cost you about and additional 200-300 dollars. I also recommend changing your shock and struts during the project. also changing your front pads and rotors is a good idea. i also replaced my sway bar links at this point. I recommend replacing all your fluids with new ones. I also recommend changing all your plugs, wires, opti, water pump and any other things that may need servicing before you install the motor.

3.4 motor in the car

engine out

engine going back in.

and its back in

This is not complete and i will stop back from time to time to revise edit and add to this. Feel free to contact me if you have any input on what needs to be added or grammatical errors you would like to see corrected.
This is my guide to a v8 conversion please feel free to use and to pass on to others. However please do not copy this and post it to any other forums or websites with out my permission. Also please do not use my photos with out contacting me and asking me first.
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